籍贯: 陕西省咸阳市
· 学习及工作经历:
1992年09月-1996年06月 西北农林科技大学,学士
1996年09月-1999 年06月 西北农林科技大学,硕士
2001年03月-2005年03月 西安理工大学,博士
1999年07月-2001年10月 西安理工大学水利水电学院,讲师
2001年10月-2005年10月 西安理工大学水利水电学院,副教授
2014年10月- 至 今 西安理工大学水利水电学院,教授
2010年04月-2010年10月 美国田纳西州田纳西大学高级访问学者
· 研究方向:
· 教学科研情况:
1. Zhongmin Zhai; Wenjuan Shi * ; Lu Liu; Bo Jing.(2024). Effects of poly-γ-glutamic acid on soil pore structure, maize grain fill`ing, yield and water use efficiency under mulched drip irrigation[J]. Field Crops Research, 317,109528.
2. Bo Jing; Wenjuan Shi *; Ying Wang; Zhongmin Zhai;Tao Chen.(2024).Effects of poly- γ- glutamic acid on soil structure and water retention characteristics under dry- wet cycles[J]. Soil Use Manage. 2024;40:e13076. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.13076.
3. Bo Jing, Wenjuan Shi * and Ying Wang(2024). Poly-γ-glutamic acid enhanced the yield and photosynthesis of soybeans by adjusting soil aggregates and water distribution[J]. J Sci Food Agric. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.13520.
4. Bo Jing; Wenjuan Shi*; Ying Wang; Zhongmin Zhai; Tao Chen(2024). Effects of poly- γ- glutamic acid addition on the transformation and distribution of soil nitrogen under different water conditions[J]. Soil Use Manage. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.13100. DOI: 10.1111/sum.13100.
5. Bo Jing; Wenjuan Shi *; Ying Wang; and et al. (2023). 15N labelling technology reveals enhancement of nitrogen uptake and transfer by root interaction in cotton/soybean intercropping[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 103, 6307-6316.
6. Bo Jing; Wenjuan Shi*; Lu Liu and et al. (2023). Poly‐γ‐glutamic acid improved biological nitrogen fixation, water‐nitrogen productivity, and nitrate residue in cotton/soybean intercropping[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,103,7284-7292.
7. Bo Jing; Wenjuan Shi*; Lu Liu and et al. (2023). Assessment of nitrogen fertilization in cotton/soybean intercropping using the 15N isotope dilution method[J]. Soil Use and Management, 39, 1570-1582.
8. Lu Liu, Wenjuan Shi*, Jiaping Liang, et al(2023). Soil macropore characteristics and aggregate stability with poly‐γ‐glutamic acid amendment under wetting–drying cycles[J]. European Journal of Soil Science, 74(3):13361.
9. Lu Liu, Wenjuan Shi*, Linna Pang(2023). Effects of water–nitrogen coupling on soil water and nitrogen, photosynthesis, yield and water use of lettuce under different application rates of poly‐γ‐glutamic acid[J]. Irrigation and Drainage, 72(1): 105-118.
10. Ying Wang; Wenjuan Shi*; Tianyang Wen. (2023). Prediction of winter wheat yield and dry matter in North China Plain using machine learning algorithms for optimal water and nitrogen application[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 277, 108140.
11. Lu Liu; Wenjuan Shi*. (2023) . Poly-γ-glutamic acid affects NH3 volatilization, soil nitrogen content, and soybean seedling growth[J]. Water Supply, 2023228.
12. Ying Wang; Wenjuan Shi*; Bo Jing. (2023). Optimizing brackish water and nitrogen application regimes for soil salinity, yield, fertilizer and water productivity of a mulched drip irrigated cotton cropping system[J]. Field Crops Research, 302, 109097.
13. Wenjuan Shi*; Xiulu Yue; Jiaping Liang; and et al.(2023). Poly-γ-glutamic acid enhances the wheat yield, water use efficiency and soil physicochemical properties of the arid area in the Northwest China[J]. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69:13, 2663-2676.
14. Lu,Liu Wenjuan Shi*, Ying Wang(2022). Poly‐γ‐glutamic acid application rate effects on hydraulic properties of sandy soil under wetting‐drying cycles conditions[J]. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86(4): 904-917
15. Jiaping Liang; Wenjuan Shi*. (2021). Cotton/halophytes intercropping decreases salt accumulation and improves soil physicochemical properties and crop productivity in saline-alkali soils under mulched drip irrigation: A three-year field experiment[J]. Field Crops Research, 262: 108027.
16. Jiaping Liang; Wenjuan Shi*. (2021). Poly-gamma-glutamic acid improves water-stable aggregates, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake efficiency, water-fertilizer productivity, and economic benefit in barren desertified soils of Northwest China[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 245: 106551.
17. Jianzhong Guo; Wenjuan Shi*; Li Jiake and et al. (2021). Effects of poly-gamma-glutamic acid and poly-gamma-glutamic acid super absorbent polymer on the sandy loam soil hydro-physical properties[J]. PLos One, 16(1): 245365.
18. Zhiyong Gao; Wenjuan Shi*. (2020). Non-rainfall water contributions to dryland jujube plantation evapotranspiration in the Hilly Loess Region of China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 538.
19. Zhiyong Gao; Wenjuan Shi*; Xing Wang and et al. (2020). Comparison of the performance of leaf wetness duration models for rainfed jujube (Ziziphus jujubaMill.) plantations in the loess hilly region of China using machine learning[J]. Ecohydrology, 13(7): 2237.
20. Jianzhong Guo; Wenjuan Shi*; Jiake Li. (2020). Effects of intercropping different halophytes in bare strips on soil water content, salt accumulation and cotton(Gossypium Hirsutum)yields in mulched drip irrigation[J]. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 18(4): 5923-5937.
21. Jianzhong Guo, Wenjuan Shi*, Lijun Wen et al. Effects of a super-absorbent polymer derived from poly-gamma-glutamic acid on water infiltration, field water capacity, soil evaporation, and soil water-stable aggregates [J]. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2020, 66 (12):1627-1638. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2019.1686137)
22. Jianzhong Guo, Wenjuan Shi* et al(2021). Performance characterization of gamma-poly (glutamic acid) super absorbent polymer and its effect on soil water availability [J]. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2020.1871473.
23. Jiaping Liang; Zijian He; Wenjuan Shi*. (2020). Cotton/mung bean intercropping improves crop productivity, water use efficiency, nitrogen uptake, and economic benefits in the arid area of Northwest China[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 240: 106277.
· 学术兼职与获奖情况:
担任《农业工程学报》《灌溉排水学报》《宁夏工程技术》编委;长期担任《Agricultural Water Management》《Journal of Hydrology》《Field Crops Research》《Soil and Tillage Research》《农业工程学报》《灌溉排水学报》等期刊审稿人。